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How To Know For Sure That Your Baby Is On Track With Milestones


As a parent, watching your baby grow and develop is one of life's most rewarding experiences. However, with the abundance of information available, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. You might find yourself constantly wondering: Is my baby hitting milestones on time? Are they developing in the right sequence?

If you've ever felt this way, you're not alone. In this blog, we'll explore why the sequence of developmental milestones matters more than timing and how you can empower yourself to take charge of your child's health.

The Importance of Developmental Sequence

While every child develops at their own pace, the order in which your baby reaches milestones is crucial for their overall development. Here's why:

  1. Proper nervous system development: The sequence of milestones ensures that your baby's nervous system and neuromuscular development progress correctly.

  2. Brain communication: For example, crawling before walking is essential because the cross-crawl pattern helps both sides of the brain start communicating with each other.

  3. Foundation for future skills: Each milestone builds upon the previous one, creating a strong foundation for future development.

Key Milestones to Watch For

Developmental or baby milestones are typically divided into age ranges:

  • 0-12 weeks

  • 3-6 months

  • 6-9 months

  • 9-12 months

  • 12-18 months

  • 18-24 months

To see a detailed list of milestones to watch for within these specific age ranges, check out this site. But remember, while these age ranges provide a general guideline, the sequence of achieving these milestones is more important than the exact timing.

When to Trust Your Gut

As a parent, you have a natural understanding of your child. If you feel that something isn't quite right with your baby's development, it's important to trust your mom or dad gut. Here are some signs that it might be time to seek additional support:

  • Delays in reaching milestones

  • Skipping or reaching milestones out of sequence

  • Unusual behavior

  • Struggles with eating, sleeping, or pooping

Taking Charge of Your Child's Health

As a parent, you are your child's best advocate. Here are some steps you can take to ensure your baby's optimal development:

  1. Stay informed: Educate yourself about developmental milestones and their importance.

  2. Observe closely: Pay attention to your baby's progress and note any concerns.

  3. Trust your instincts: If something feels off, don't hesitate to seek professional advice.

  4. Consider specialized assessments: Neurological INSiGHT Scans, including NeuroThermal and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) scans, can help pinpoint areas where stress and tension may be impacting your baby's development.

  5. Seek personalized care: Look for healthcare providers who offer customized care plans tailored to your baby's specific developmental needs.

The Role of the Nervous System

At the core of your baby's development is their nervous system. When the basics like eating, sleeping, and pooping are on track, other milestones tend to follow naturally. That's why it's crucial to focus on your baby's overall nervous system health.

Empowering You to Take Action

Remember, you know your baby best. If you've ever felt that something isn't quite right with your baby's development, it's important to trust your gut and seek the answers and help you've been searching for.

Consider scheduling a Neurological INSiGHT Scan at Bright Futures Chiropractic for your baby. Based on the results of these scans, our team then creates a customized care plan tailored to each baby’s exact developmental needs, ensuring a personalized approach instead of a “one-size-fits-all” solution.

Don't wait – take action now to give your baby the best start in life. Please reach out to Bright Futures Chiropractic today to learn more and schedule an assessment. Your baby's optimal development is worth every effort!

By staying informed, trusting your instincts, and seeking specialized care when needed, you're taking an active role in ensuring your baby's healthy development. Remember, you are your child's best advocate, and with the right support, you can help your baby thrive at every stage of their growth.

We look forward to serving the Pilsen neighborhood of Chicago and the northwest suburb, Arlington Heights.

818 W 18th St, Chicago, Il 60608


914 S Arthur Ave, Arlington Heights, IL 60005

Phone: 224.764.1644

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